Sunday 30 August 2020

#MyWordForToday is #Journey

#MyWordForToday is #Journey 

Life is a series of journeys. Every decision we take, or taken on our behalf, becomes a factor in that journey. 

Everything we do entails a journey which is probably why F. M. Alexander said, “People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures”.

Our travel to our futures is journeying. But I have found that no two journeys are alike. 

In fact, if you view your journey from other people’s lenses, you will discover for some persons you were/are a villain, and for others, heroes. So what we mean to person A may differ from what we mean to Miss B.

If you have ever read any of my blogs, it will become apparent that I am a fervent advocate of self-leadership and personal development.

I often ask  "what if we journey in self-awareness early enough? Would this perhaps stop another from experiencing hurt at our hands? Will it stop us from hurting ourselves?" I’m afraid I do not have an answer. 

But I do know that a journey into self-discovery is crucial. When you discover who you truly are, you appreciate yourself better, leverage on your strengths and overcome your weaknesses. 

It may be why a journey to discover self is called marathon, and not a sprint. We also call it a journey rather than a destination or a goal. 

Therefore, if you are outcome-oriented, it is likely that you will miss all the lessons the journey could have afforded you. You will then continue to make the same mistakes. 

Why?  What you become while you’re going through that process of growth and discovery is much more satisfying and fulfilling than the goal itself. And the littlest decisions you make here become a momentous one.

On Wednesday, 25th August 2020, I checked my blood pressure because I had been having this pesky headaches that just won't go away. It turned out that I was courting a disaster because my blood pressure was 150/111. 

And there I was glowing and being so fiercely beautiful ❤, you could never say I had any challenge. I was also oblivious my ventricles were screaming for help. 
By that simple decision of checking my BP, the trajectory of my journey has changed, I am forced to make life-changing decisions for my life and well-being. 

It also turned out that 8 out of 10 adult Nigerians are hypertensive, and we treat it so cavalierly. 

Life is a series of decisions, no two journeys are alike, and one person’s reality differs from another, but I hope that by writing about our struggles and wins, someone somewhere may receive help, by our vulnerability and or cajones. And may have a better journey.

So if you have ever wanted to write a book, publish a Blog, start a YouTube channel, just do it, you will be 10 times better than anyone who will judge your writing or presentation skills. 

I learnt from Professor Henry Mintzberg (@Mintzberg141 on twitter) that Society now thrives on something he referred to as  “socially transmitted epidemics” STEs. 

An epidemic that allows us to see mismanagement and “miss-leadership” (my edit) all around us, but many of us do not see it in ourselves, nor do we understand its full consequences let alone it causes. 

So in our journey in life, we must not by actions/ inactions cause STEs to spread by being unduly harsh in our judgment of other people’s journeys. 

The energy to do this must instead be channelled on ourselves, our skill sets, our economic and people value.

We do not have an inexhaustible amount of energy,  therefore we should focus on the stuff good for us and our society.

It is also important to develop the ability to communicate our value to the people that surround us and our society.

Like @momentswithBren said and I reframe “Our journey in this world, particularly in these extraordinary times, has become a full-time job, and it is okay to feel tired. Cry when you want to. Reflect. Re-energize. Refocus. Re-strategize. 

Don’t forget to smell the roses. Life can be such a beautiful journey. 

Always be 'becoming something'.

Namaste 🙏🏽


Monday 24 August 2020

#MyWordForToday is #Capacity

Capacity building: Some lessons from My Rainbow Story.
In 2012, I got a spanking new job, I was employed as the Head of a Radio Station, my title was Senior Station Manager: Administration and Marketing. I was so excited that finally, my life has taken a turn for the better. 

I proceeded to put all I had, my skills, my time, my knowledge, everything into gaining my boss' confidence and making the Station run smoothly. 

However, even though I was eminently qualified for the job on the formal skill side, I was grossly unqualified for the soft skill (informal) part. 

A Radio station does not run on vibes and Insha Allah, it runs on advertisements brought in by clients. So the actual job of a Station Manager was really not administration, for that, one can get capable hands, your job is in marketing.

This is what stands you out as a capable Manager when you get your station highly rated month after month and adverts are rolling in and are being paid. 

Therefore, you must build relationships with Heads of Establishment, Advertising Agencies etc. You must ensure your station is kept top of mind. You must innovate, and be creative. 

In that baby girl was lacking, I was focusing on the wrong thing. I lacked wisdom in that direction, with that came a certain arrogance….the arrogance of a poor (wo)man and of course, my boss and I began to bicker and my workplace progressively got more toxic. 

My leadership style was constantly called into question, people were snitching on me in order to curry favour. I was on the warpath with the people closest to the Boss because, for them, the best way to get the Boss' ear was to expose my inadequacies. 

If you have ever worked in the kind of place I am describing, you will be able to relate. 

The politics were killing me, I wasn't sleeping well, I started to underperform at even the things I was good at. 

Why is this story necessary? When You are working towards something, you need to build the capacity for that thing.

In my own case, I needed to socialize more and leverage on my boss' high ticket connections, inveigle myself into pretentious events that I hated so much.

Your skillset must be built in order for you to receive and keep certain types of gifts/projects/jobs, If your capacity cannot carry or match them, you are likely to become like the me above….you may crash, burn and waste those opportunities. 

God rarely calls people without first building their character and making them build capacity. The Bible is explicitly against "casting your pearls before swines". 

So, what does capacity building do for you?

A person whose capacity isn't built will most likely waste that gift, ergo a pearl was cast before a swine who has no appreciation of it. 

Joseph, Moses, Abraham, Joshua all had to build capacity before they got the job of Senior Station Manager. And they remained teachable which helped to build their character even more. 

They all went through the process the metal that came out as gold went through so that they could emerge shining.

What will you do today to build capacity towards that stuff you are praying/working for? Are you going to keep saying "when we get to the bridge, we will cross"?

Remember, you need capacity to cross that bridge, prepare for the opportunities you are seeking. Lead yourself, allow your character to be built, be patient with the character-building process...when you get weary, rest and try again. 

This does not mean you will still not make mistakes along the line, nor does it mean your leadership style will please everyone, but because you have built your character, you will arise and move on. 

Seek wisdom, knowledge, understanding. Become emotionally intelligent and street-savvy….build capacity. 

Take responsibility for your actions and acknowledge your inadequacies, whilst working to better yourself. Do not become a prisoner of your own perspectives, but be decisive in making decisions. 

The Universe is not going to wait while you procrastinate or fumble, it has a timetable and it will follow that timetable...time is precious. 

Don't become that Omotoyosi who was sacked for incompetence. She was working hard, but not smart. 

P.S. Insha Allah and Vibes is Nigerian speak for not putting in the work, but saying "it is well". 😭

Let me have your thoughts please....we all have so much to learn. 

Namaste 🙏🏽


#MyWordForToday is #Pedestals

#MyWordForToday is #Pedestals I am not watching Big Brother Nigeria, but I can tell you the names of housemates because it is the hottest sh...