Monday 22 June 2020

#MyWordForToday is #Balance

#MyWordForToday is #Balance

To everything in life, there must be a balance. If our lives do not come with their own problems, I daresay life would be very dull, if there are too many problems, life would be very difficult.

I am an advocate of balancing as much as possible. Yesterday was Father's Day, and it came with all the usual dramas.

One consistent thing though is that a lot of us have no middle ground when it comes to issues, particularly if we are passionate about them or if it touches us personally.

While It is true that some fathers are fathers in every sense of the word, some are purely sperm donors who have nothing to do with the upbringing of a child. Some of them i.e. in the latter group come to realize and try to make amendments, some never do. We celebrate the fathers who know what it is to be a father, we admonish the rest, for them, it should be a day of reflection.

What we certainly shouldn't do is refuse to see that all fathers aren't the same, some fathers were even made absentees by the Mothers using the child as emotional blackmail.  Balancing the narratives is very key.

Balance is also very crucial in our work-life relationships. If you work in an office, you spend at least 9 hours at work, with your colleagues.

This means that you spend more than a quarter of the day with your colleagues. Doesn't that at least make them some sort of a family?

Shouldn't you endeavour to make the environment as friendly and accommodating as you can?

You, yes you, because the only corner of the universe that you can successfully change is your corner.

Some of us are very hostile at work, we treat everyone like competition and then turn around to say "nobody likes me in my office,"..... Listen, the energy you give is the energy you get. 

Balance your work relationship, over-familiarity breeds contempt, under familiarity (for want of a better word) breeds hostility. Fix that, so that your office doesn't seem like a battleground.

Oh yes, let's talk about personality. Do you know your personality, have you examined your strengths so you can use them successfully? Have you looked at your weaknesses so you can improve those? This is called personal development, if you haven't done these, you may be doing yourself a disservice.

Understanding yourself, your fears, your biases, your strengths, your talents will equip you to deal with those of others. Remember your choices and decisions are impacting on not just you, but also on others.

Funke Adekoya SAN once said "not everything worth doing for a woman is worth doing well", I had written about this before and it caused an uproar amongst career women.

But she's only talking about balancing your career and motherhood. Traditionally women were the homemakers, not breadwinners or breadbringers so we are mostly saddled with the responsibility of taking care of the home and the children.

A lot has changed from those trad. days, but a lot remains the same. A lot of women will give up their careers to cater to the home, but a lot of men also stay at jobs they hate in order to cater to their homes. Balance!!!!

Some women will rather not be parents to my mind this is also balance. Having and nurturing children are not very easy tasks so one should not bring children into the world if you feel you cannot take up that responsibility.

In life, we will need adjustments, we will need to reflect, revisit, tweak some of our stances and decisions. We will need to find an imaginary scale to determine if we are on track or off kilter.

Although we should be kind and humane to everyone, we should balance that by not condoning disrespect and glorifying nonsense 

Balance is key 🗝


Bibireosefowora 💕💌

(Neither Pedigree nor Class can be bought with Money)

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